How you can help

We can all contribute towards this project in real and tangible ways that will make a difference for good in somebody’s life. Here are some suggestions:


How to help The Community Storehouse

Please do get involved in this project. Supporting others in a tangible and essential way in our present economic climate with all the insecurities that leads to will offer hope, demonstrate care for each other and further develop our sense of being in community.

Ideas for Helping

  • Buy additional food items when you do your weekly shop, e.g. take advantage of 3 for 2 offers or pick up an additional meal item that may help feed a hungry child. If you can help, read our shopping list below or on Facebook
  • Encourage colleagues at work to collect groceries together and deliver them to one of the main collection points in town
  • Persuade your employer, if they are involved in food retail, processing or packing to donate surplus items to the Community Storehouse
  • Volunteer at the Community Storehouse in the Wesley Centre for a few hours each month

More ideas for helping

  • Donate to our General Funds. You can donate via the link or download a Standing Order Form, or you can contact us for further details
  • Donate to our Rent Appeal to allow us to keep our presence in the centre of our town – Contact us here if you would like to do that
  • Pray that we can raise sufficient funds to meet the rent and our other outgoings so we can remain at the Wesley Centre, that supplies of food will be sustained week by week, that those in need of this support will be identified or make themselves known, that every aspect of the project will be protected from harm or any difficulties that may arise, that the Community Storehouse will develop and flourish

Our Shopping List

Here’s a list of some of the things we regularly need, it tends to vary a fair bit so please look us up on Facebook for the latest list

Milk (UHT or powdered)
Tea bags
Instant coffee
Pasta sauces
Tinned tomatoes / Vegetables / Baked beans
Tinned meat / fish
Instant mash
Tinned fruit
Tinned rice pudding
Tinned sponge pudding
Jelly / Angel delight
Biscuits / Snack bars
Toilet Rolls


Get in Touch. Get Involved.

Come and make a difference by volunteering, making a donation or helping out in any way you can.