Rent Appeal

Please support our rent appeal, use the button or read more below…


Please support The Community Storehouse rent appeal

The signing of a Licence with Tunbridge Wells Borough Council effectively secures the Wesley Centre for The Community Storehouse until September 2020. However we still need to raise the annual licence fee of £8000 and more to meet our other running costs, despite having no paid staff and a very capable group of loyal volunteers. Since opening at the Wesley Centre in September 2013 we have helped between 6-8 households every week.

We believe there will be a continuing need for foodbanks (unfortunately) both locally and nationally: future employment prospects amid concerns about the strength of the economy and the continued pressure on welfare benefits are just some of the factors which will impact on many people over the coming months. Delays in appealing benefit decisions, and the increasing number of sanctions being applied to benefit payments really hit those who find themselves relying on support from the state and have little or no savings to tide them over.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss how you or your company can sponsor us or contribute financially please email us at
If you would like to make a personal donation please click on the Donate Now button or download a Standing Order Form. Cheques, made payable to The Community Storehouse, can be forwarded to The Wesley Centre, Commercial Road, Paddock Wood, Kent TN12 6DS

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Come and make a difference by volunteering, making a donation or helping out in any way you can.